Essay #2

In modern age, social class is one of the huge factors that divides and categorizes people. Karl Marx’s perspective is that money rules over all things in today’s society. “In proportion as the bourgeoisie, i.e., capital, is developed, in the same proportion is the proletariat, the modern working class, developed — a class of labourers, who live only so long as they find work, and who find work only so long as their labour increases capital. These labourers, who must sell themselves piecemeal, are a commodity, like every other article of commerce, and are consequently exposed to all the vicissitudes of competition, to all the fluctuations of the market.” Without money, there is no power. Similar to the film “In Time”, Time is a form of currency in their society. While the working class struggles to live only so long as they find work, the upper class are freed from death as they have a surplus of time. With the development of American capital, a social status system was created to define who is part of the working class and who is part of the upper class.

Karl Marx’s excerpt explains how class struggles play a central role in understanding social change. He also believes that money controls the system and without money, one is powerless. The film “In Time”, is about a society in which time is a form of currency. Will Salas lives in a ghetto area, working day by day making just enough to pass each day. One day, he comes across a wise man named Henry Hamilton who appeared to have more than a century left to live. Henry Hamilton gives Will Salas his remaining time as he has no interest in life any longer. The film gives us an idea of how the social class system is structured. One who has little wealth, struggle to live day by day but the only struggle for one who is wealthy is not being satisfied with how much they have because they’ve practically seen it all. This goes to show how capitalism even in modern society, is run by the wealthy while the working class are just hanging on.

Population also has a huge impact on the views of Marxism. As population rises at a significant pace, markets are growing just as fast and with the increased rate of production, there is inflation on the products since the demands are higher. “Meantime the markets kept ever growing, the demand ever rising. Even manufacturer no longer sufficed. Thereupon, steam and machinery revolutionised industrial production. The place of manufacture was taken by the giant, Modern Industry; the place of the industrial middle class by industrial millionaires, the leaders of the whole industrial armies, the modern bourgeois.” Since the demand will always keep rising, along with the rising population, inflation is implemented in the market. In the film “In Time” Henry Hamilton explains that their system, (in which one stops aging at 25 and engineered to live only one more year after 25) was established solely for population control. Inflation and lower wages came along when government officials saw that people were still surviving through this system.

When Sylvia was taken hostage by Will her whole life changed. She was born into a rich family but for the first time, she experienced what it was like living like a regular person in the ghetto. “A class of labourers, who live only so long as they find work, and who find work only so long as their labour increases capital.” Sylvia used to be in a position where she would have others work for her as she lives lavishly in a luxurious mansion. Now, she is in Will’s shoes and sees the other side of the world that is suffering from poverty and working just to get by. Karl Marx states that labourers live only so long as they find work and find work only so long as their labour increases capital. Class struggle is crucial to understanding social change because if people are only familiar with one perspective or lifestyle, they won’t demand a change. After Sylvia lives day by day just like a regular person, she is now convinced that the world is cold and riches truly have power.

The moral that I got from the film “In Time” was: Put yourself in the shoes of the unfamiliar and only then you will understand how they feel and the changes that should be made. Karl Marx delivers a great perspective on both the working class and the upper class. The proletariat works day by day to earn enough money for their needs while the bourgeoisie run the market and have the proletariat work for them. The bourgeoisie use their power to exploit the proletariat while the proletariat are left with no choice but to give in to their efforts just to survive. It is a cold world that we live in and modern slavery is very much present in today’s society. Money is the focus to every civilization as we continue to peak in our industry. The social class system may be good or bad depending on who is looking at it but the social class will continue to divide us and run our economy as long as our capital is present.


Essay #3

My first experiences as a college student was very different from what I was used to. The moment you become a college student, you come to realization that you are finally independent. No one will be there to guide you or make decisions for you. It is outside of my comfort zone of relying on my parents to do everything for me all the time. My first semester in college has taught me many things. It has taught me that life, along with growing up is so real. Oh, I wish I can be a kid again to run away from all of my problems. Now, I am officially an adult and I can no longer run from my problems anymore. People say growing up is tough and that you should never grow up but I find beauty in it. Life is like phases and each phase has its own meaningfulness. I can’t express how much of a changed man I am today compared to a few years back. My wisdom has grew by a landslide and my heart grew almost twice in size. I cannot appreciate enough, how much this experience has shaped me into the person that I am today.

Only a semester has passed and yet there are still many things that I have yet to do. Although grades are very important, it isn’t what makes my college experience. Moving on, I really want to meet new people. Not just any people but the one’s that help me to push and better myself. I want to meet people that will help pick me up when I fall down. Overall, I just want to put myself out there to the world because it was always something that I was scared to do. I also want to have a clear vision for myself by the time I graduate college. It is very common for many students to feel lost and I cannot deny that I have never felt that way. Just like the film “Lost in Translation”, sometimes I feel lost in a completely new environment. Now that a semester has passed, I can say that I have adapted and become more comfortable.

Moving forward, I hope to live out some of my best moments in college. I hope that I can just live in the moment without worrying too much about my future. The best version of yourself is when you are happy and doing the things you love so I believe that naturally, good things will come my way as long as I love myself and everything that I do. I hope to make my college experience memorable and I hope to open up my mind to new things. Though it is just the beginning, I am proud to have reached this milestone and I look forward to all the good things that life has to offer.

The Heartbeat of Racism is Denial

I agree with the statement that the heartbeat of racism is denial. The more we choose to deny racism, the more widespread the problem will become. Instead, we should choose to confront and acknowledge that our country is flawed by racism. Without acknowledging a problem, you will never have the means to fix it. Most of our presidents have hidden their past of racism and chose to keep it out of discussion. As leaders, presidents should not have any shame while confronting a problem. We are all jointly, a part of this major problem and we are all perpetrators to the crime. Racism is made up by everyone as a whole rather than just a selective few. That is why we cannot say that we are better than someone else because we are all a part of the problem. So instead of denying the fact that racism exists in this world, or trying to justify ourselves for being racist, we need to behave in a more mature manner and face racism head on. Put aside all the shame that it may bring us because if we do not, our country will continue to neglect this problem.

Why is the N.Y.P.D. After Me?

As an Asian-American, I have had many racist interactions with people but it was far from a problem as compared to what Nicholas experienced growing up. Ever since I was young, I understood the differences in society and how people can discriminate against some of those differences. In elementary school, whenever I brought dumplings to school for lunch, some kids would cover their nose and laugh. This convinced me that the dumplings I brought smelled really bad but at home, I loved to eat them. In high school I had this one guy who always greeted me with a bow. At first I thought it was obnoxious until I realized that it was just for laughs. The reason I can tolerate the discrimination that I go through is because I have set my mind that discrimination is inevitable anywhere you go. The discrimination that I have faced growing up is very minor compared to others who are stopped and frisked daily by authorities who should be making the world a safer place. Or homosexuals that are scared to live their lives and ultimately have society control their lives in fear that they will be judged or discriminated against. That is why whenever I look back at the times I’ve been discriminated against, I can just laugh at it and brush it off. I really cannot be broken over something so minor when others are facing major discrimination issues that impact the way they live out their lives. However, I cannot just become a bystander to the problem just for my selfish reasons. Just because discrimination is not a problem for me, does not mean it isn’t a problem worldwide. Whether you have or have not been discriminated in the past, we can all agree that discrimination is surely present anywhere we go so every one of us should try to spread love towards one another regardless of race, sex, or gender. We all must see and acknowledge the problem  before we can do anything to fix it.

Nickel and Dimed

To me, the phrase “Nickel-and -Dimed” means something of little value. This reminded me of a song by Jay-Z called Nickels and Dimes where he talks about survivors guilt from growing up in the projects. Normally, he is used to living a low life, symbolizing Nickels and Dimes.

“I cut myself today to see if I still bleed
Success is so sublime
Gotta do that time to time so I don’t lose my mind
Something ’bout the struggle so divine”

“The greatest form of giving is anonymous to anonymous.”

The struggles of his life has really impacted him to aim higher and strive for success. No matter how successful he is, if he never experiences a low moment, he will forget his roots and how he got to where he is. He also states that the greatest form of giving should be mutually anonymous. The reason he says this is because that is the only way the form of giving comes from your heart. There is no corrupt reasoning behind giving if you give anonymously.  The phrase “Nickels and Dimes” is so powerful to me because it symbolizes my roots. One’s value is not just subject to a form of money. There is great value in many other things besides money. The song helps me stick to my roots coming from a poor family. I will always remember and appreciate the life I lived and make the most out of it. Money really changes the soul of a person but if you remember your roots, you won’t be consumed by money’s evils.

HONY Comparison

Growing up in America, I was introduced to many different cultures that were practiced among many different people. I believe that culture is the root of our society and what allows us to connect with people. People may dispute about their differences but differences also brings people together. Karl Marx’s writing explains how social class separates us as humans. I believe that it is impossible to live a world without separation. Whether it is social class, ethnicity, or culture, each human mind is unique to its own and behaves differently.

“America Remains the World’s Beacon of Success”

Tim Roemer states that America has the best market economy. That explains why millions of people are migrating to America in search for a better opportunity. He also states that we have a market oriented economy where most decisions are made by individuals. He is in favor of capitalism while Marx is completely against it. Tim Roemer’s biggest concern with the economy is that there is a surplus of slums corrupting our economy. As millions of people migrate to America, it is difficult and costly to regulate the economy and create jobs. On the contrary, Karl Marx is mostly concerned about the social class system of our economy and how one man should not have all the power. Karl Marx’s ideas differ from Tim Roemer because Marx believes that equality makes our economy while Roemer thinks that equality will break our economy.

Marx in 2018

Karl Marx’s teaching is rarely seen in today’s society. Karl Marx believes that an “equal” economy will be successful. He believes that the social class is what separates people and causes corruption in our economy. In today’s society, we live in a capitalism form of government with social classes that divide us depending on our wealth. Wealth is power in today’s society. You can do pretty much anything if you are wealthy but if you are poor, you are practically working your whole life just to get by. Growing up in New York, I have learned a lot about these separations. A wealthy family does not involve with the poor and vice versa. I have also learned in my past experiences that those who are wealthy are very greedy and stingy. Today, the social class is what depicts who has power and who does not.

Karl Marx

Karl Marx has many different elements in his writing that makes it very unique. Karl Marx’s excerpt “The Manifesto of the Communist Party” is good because it engages the reader. Karl Marx does not go straight into his argument or his viewpoint on communism in his writing. First, he engages with the reader. Karl Marx gives us a lot of  information about the topic to inform us before getting on to his argument. He explains essential terms like the communist party, the bourgeoisie class, and the proletariat class. He also goes over history such as the middle ages which was way before modern industrialization. This information is crucial to readers because we need to be more knowledgeable of the topic before we can understand the ideas of Karl Marx.

After Karl Marx introduces us to the basic topics of his writing, he gets on with his argument. That is when he starts to explain more complex terms of his argument but he has structured the writing in a way to make it very understandable. The reason why Karl Marx is an exceptional writer is because he knows how to convince the readers. He describes many scenarios, some that may be true and some that may be false, to convince the reader. A good writer tells his story from different perspectives and not just one perspective. A bad writer is very bias to there own opinion, not knowing much about the contrary argument.

Essay Draft & Ideas

Richard and Sal  both made questionable decisions but Richard had a sense of morality where as Sal portrayed pure evil. The position she took as the leader of the island really had an impact on her cruelty.

First off, Richard left a trace of the map behind  but it was Sal who wreaked havoc to the whole island by progressively making the whole situation worse. She blackmailed Richard to having sex with her in exchange for allowing Richard back on the island and later spilled their secret to the whole island.

They were both murderers but Richard chose to kill Christo so that he may rest peacefully and put an end to his misery. On the contrary, Sal decided to kill Richard in front of the whole community out of pure selfishness.

Finally, Richard came to realization that the whole island was corrupt mainly due to Sal’s misleading decisions. Meanwhile, Sal is still trying to convince everyone that Richard is guilty and the one to blame for the island’s downfall because he left a trace of the map behind.